Pretty Things to Come...

Spring is in the my mind. I know the leaves are turning and storefronts are announcing back-to-school sales, but new ideas are in bloom in my head. Everyone, including myself, goes through seasons of feeling creatively anemic. Until recently I was unable to paint, draw, organize fabric, pull out my sewing machine, craft a little this, or embellish a little that. I was just not motivated. Then, I met the blogging world. Blogging is akin to having a bunch of same-feathered friends who always want to talk about what you want to talk about, when you want to talk about it. Don't get me wrong, my real friends are by far superior, but I currently have no girlfriends who are crazier about crafting, sewing, decorating, cooking, eating, and dressing (clothes, not turkey) than I am. If I sound insanely chipper about being slavishly domestic, don't be fooled. It is even a struggle for me, at times, to savor the do-it-yourself mentality when I'm tempted to succumb to the instant gratification that any superstore can give. Yet, it is so rewarding to create rather than consume. So, with a little rainshower of inspiration from my newfound blogging companions, I am off to a rosy bouquet of new aspirations. Here are some things to come on this time:

  • Homemade Tea cozies, aprons, and napkins
  • Afternoon tea recipes, perhaps a seperate blog just for that!
  • Quilting placemats
  • Painted glass table setting
  • Fashion how-tos, and how-to nots
  • Kids crafts (making erasers for example!)

Like any spring garden, I'm sure my newly found excitement will go through periods of heavy growth, followed by necessary mid-season cutting back. If you have untapped creative energy, consider joining in this fall....I'd love for you to bloom where you're planted.

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